A STUDY undertaken by the Balearic University has revealed that as well as declining rainfall, average temperatures in the Balearic Islands may rise by as much as eight degrees over the next 90 years.
The report, produced in conjunction with the regional Ministry for the Environment, said yesterday that temperature rises over the next 90 years on Majorca could be between 3 and 8 degrees depending on the time of year, Minorca would experience an increase during this period of up to 6 degrees whilst Ibiza and Formentera would be less affected with rises of between half a degree and 5 degrees. Meanwhile, predictions over rainfall levels were less conclusive. Data suggested that Ibiza and Formentera may have a greater decrease whilst there appeared to be no clear indications quite how much rainfall would reduce on Majorca and Minorca. Environment Minister Miquel Angel Grimalt said yesterday that the research was based on models making assumptions about population increase in the region, the rise in carbon emissions that fuel the greenhouse effect and on how society is reacting to control climate change.