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Domestic violence is on the increase

DOMESTIC violence has claimed the lives of six women already this year in Spain and here in the Balearics, the National Police have handled nearly 10'000 reports of domestic violence since 2004 and the number of cases is rising.

The Commission Against Domestic Violence said yesterday that over the past four years, the number of cases of domestic violence rose by 7.3 percent in the Balearics and that there has also been an increase in the number of domestic violence cases involving actual or former partners.

What is more, the Commission does not only deal with female victims of domestic violence, it is also concerned about the increase in the number of male victims. Last year, over 400 men were the victims of domestic violence, nearly 19 percent more than in 2004. The start to this year has been one of the most tragic in recent years and the Commission wants to see national and regional government adopt fresh and tougher measures in the war against domestic violence. The Balearics now has its own special police unit to deal with such cases but the commission believes that more officers need to be assigned to such duties and that tougher penalties should be introduced.

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