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Search for Jacqueline continues

Staff Reporter

THE sister of Jacqueline Tennant was among a team of 16 who continued the search for the missing British woman yesterday on Victoria Mountain near Alcudia.

The search party, including members of the Guardia Civil and Civil Proteccion, as well as Majorca-based hiking guide, John Hinde, and a British holidaymaker, split into four teams of four in order to maximise their chances of finding some trace of Jacqueline.

The search continues today in another part of the mountain.
Tomorrow, Monique Tennant is hoping to see a CD-Rom containing information from her sister's emails before she flies home to the UK.
Depending on how today's search progresses and what she finds on the CD-Rom, Monique will decide on her next step.
She is particularly keen to hear from other holidaymakers who were hiking on the mountain on October 8 last year - the day Jacqueline went missing - and is hoping to put out a national appeal for information in Britain.

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