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The Simpsons delighted the crowds in opening parade

by Irene Taylor
HUNDREDS of excited children joined The Simpsons in the parade which marked the start of the St Sebastian fiestas in Palma, which will continue until the end of the month. The parade started in the Plaza España and went along the Calle San Miguel, the Plaza Mayor, Calle Colon and Plaza Cort where the Simpsons were welcomed by Mayor Catalina Cirer, who earlier had released doves as a sign of peace. After officially declaring the fiestas open, the Mayor presented two cheques.
One was for 3'000 euros to Antoni Febrer Bauça, whose poster was chosen to advertise the fiestas.
The second cheque was for 4'109 euros, and it went to the Minyones Foundation which cares for disadvantaged children.
It was the proceeds for the concert by Maria Isabel, winner of the 2004 Junior Eurovision Song Contest, held at Son Moix earlier this month (admission had cost just one euro). The event ended with a show featuring Merlin the Magician, which delighted the younger members of the audience.

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