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Cross-country routes to be opened up

MAJORCA'S ruling Council launched its Camina per Mallorca (Walking for Majorca) programme yesterday, with the aim of putting the Island's rich and diverse history, back on the map. At the presentation, an Environment and Nature councillor, Miguel Angel Borrás, explained that the Council of Majorca wants to create interest in newly signposted, but off-the-beaten-track routes, as much with local people in mind as visitors. It also acknowledges the need to repair and improve already existing byways to open up opportunities for cross-country exploration.
Initial stages of restructuring will involve the removal of vegetation that has grown over long-established pathways; the bolstering of track edges; the creation of alterntive pathways where the terrain could make trekking dangerous; and restoring land drainage systems, irrigation ditches and connecting routes that have fallen into disrepair. Simultaneously, the Council is studying the feasibility of signpost cleaning and maintenance, as well as route positioning to ensure the practicality and conservation of cross-country tracks. The Council will encourage and support the refurbishment of the country refuges of La Trapa, Can Boi, Son Amer, Tossals Verds, Muleta, and S'Hostatgeria del Castell d'Alaró. According to Borras, the plan's main objective is to revitalise the areas that already possess cross-country routes, whilst reducing the possibility of too many emerging in any one particular area. “The extension of the existing byways will amount to a total of 200 kilometres and by the end of the present government's term of office, it will have reached 500 kilometres”. All Council departments will contribute to the projects because individual landowners, as much as hoteliers will be participating. New regional government plans to bring quality to tourism in the Islands includes the marketing of activities that offer people alternatives. Cycling and walking through Majorca's countryside is just such an option. The Council gave assurances that is it mindful both of private property and public rights of way. In this way, it hopes to satisfy landowners and excursionists alike.

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