ONE of the most outstanding features of the city council's plans for the Borne and Avinguda Antoni Maura is that they will be more pedestrian friendly. In Antoni Maura, for example, the wider pavement will be 21.5 metres, including the parterres, while the narrower one will be six metres wide.
On the pavement of Antoni Maura on the same side as the S'Hort del Rei, more trees will be planted and a green fence will be built next to the taxi rank to cut pedestrians off from the noise of vehicles. The council also wants to guarantee its mobility plan, designed to promote public transport (bus and taxi) and limit the use of cars.
Traffic will not be interrupted while the Borne is repaved, although there will be a temporary traffic light system, similar to the one at the Teatro Principal, where work is also in progress. The council is also studying the possibility of unifying the design of the restaurant awnings along Antoni Maura, although this will have to be discussed with all the owners involved before a decision is made.
Wider pavements and less traffic