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Anti-ageing scientists claim they can turn back effects of time


A scientist who claims that boffins will eventually be able to defeat the effects of growing old will address an audience in Majorca on Thursday.
Dr Aubrey de Grey is chief scientific officer of the Methuselah Foundation, based in Cambridge, which is a non-profit making charity dedicated to combatting the ageing process.

He is set to speak at the Lindner Hotel, Bendinat, at 1pm. He will be joined by Russian specialist Dr Arkadi Prokop, another expert in rejuvenation research and age reversal.

Biogerontologist Dr de Grey claims that science will be able to reverse age-related decay and extend healthy human lifespan to 120 within the next 25 years.

He will be revealing the scientific secrets of age reversal at Thursday's Majorca event.

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