Palma.The Anti-corruption prosecutor has, without going into any detail, revealed what the four alleged principal charges are and three of them, administrational fraud, the misappropriation of public funds and falsifying bills, carry jail sentences which could total 14 years.
Yesterday, it was reported that several witnesses who have testified in the judicial investigation of the Duke, Iñaki Urdangarin, for alleged corruption have claimed that their companies signed contracts with him because he is the son-in-law of the King. That is what has emerged from the judicial case summary that became available last week after Urdangarin and associate Diego Torres were accused of allegedly pocketing 5.8 million euros in public funds while running a non-profit foundation.
But Instituto Noos also won contracts from private businesses, including several professional soccer clubs. The former president of the Valencia soccer club, Juan Bautista Soler, told the police that he felt obligated to give money to Instituto Noos because it was Iñaki Urdangarin who asked for it. According to Soler's statement after several meetings with Urdangarin, Valencia paid 30'000 euros to the Instituto Noos for several projects, despite the fact that the club was losing money.