Madrid.A report compiled by Central Government released yesterday also revealed that the number of accidents in the Balearics was also down - by 11.9 percent. There were 37 accidents registered in the Islands last year, 5 less than in 2010. At a national level there were 1'479 people killed in road accidents in 2011, a 14.5 percent downturn on the number of people who had died on the roads in 2010.
The regions of Asturias and the Canary Islands were the regions of the country where mortality rates in road accidents declined the most - by 35.4 and 28.3 percent respectively. Andalucia was the region where most people died on the roads last year - 253 but the number was still 36 less than in 2010. The second highest number of recorded deaths on the road last year was in Catalonia (200); Castilla y Leon (157); Galicia (145); Valencia (134); Castilla La Manch (126) and Madrid (79).
Only in the region of Murcia was the mortality rate higher in 2011 - by 16.7% - whilst figures were down everywhere else in the country.
In eight regions of the country, the decline in the number of road deaths was greater than the national average. Following on from Asturias and the Canary Islands where mortality rates declined the most last year, comes Castilla y León where the number of fatalities dropped by 25.9% last year in comparison with 2010; Navarre (-22.6%); Galicia (-19%); Catalonia (-18.7%); the Balearic Islands (-15.9%); nd the Basque Country (-15.7%).
Conversely, the regions of Valencia, Madrid and Cantabria were where the number of people killed on the roads last year declined the least in comparison with 2010, by -3.6%, -3.7% and -5.3% respectively.