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Study on Minorca “meteo tsunami”


PRIOR to publishing the results of their two year study on sudden tidal surges in Minorca, the Balearic Ports Authority has contracted Catalan consultants Sener Engineering to develop a so-called “meteo tsunami” warning system.

In the past, the tidal surges, known as “rissaga” have caused severe flooding and damage to property so the Ports Authority, which reports to the regional Environment ministry is anxious to come up with a way of knowing in advance when it is going to happen. The consultants are being paid nearly 330'000 euros for the work they will be undertaking this year.

The system will be created through the use of a data base which simulates the effects of a rissaga, and running it parallel to real time tidal sounding monitors.

As the process is developed, the network of sensors that trap the information transmitted from water movement and atmospheric pressure changes will gradually be extended more widely over the Balearics. The Ports Authority had announced months ago that such sensors could be installed as far afield as Palma and Ibiza in an attempt to give Minorca a two hour warning in advance of a tidal surge.

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