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Army's patron saint's day

Palma.—During the festivities held in honour of the Immaculate Conception, the Colonel in Chief of Palma 47 Infantry Regiment, Martinez Molina paid tribute to Balearic troops recently returned from Afghanistan.

He said that they had successfully completed their mission of training the fledgling Afghan army, despite the fact that they were having to operate under austere conditions.

Yesterday's ceremony was also attended by the Commander in Chief in the Balearics, Adolfo Orozco and the President of the Balearic government, José Ramón Bauzá.

Martinez Molina presided over a national flag raising attended by 200 Balearic citizens who swore to defend their country, if necessary with their lives. The Colonel in Chief congratulated those who “serve Spain with dedication” in peace time.

Celebrations began with a Mass at which classical music performances were given. President Bauzá and other civil and military dignitaries, including the Mayor of Palma Mateu Isern, Parliamentary President Pere Rotger, and the President of the Council of Majorca Maria Salom, then gave a review of the troops and special medals were awarded for service with distinction. “It is evident that we are well prepared to adapt to changing military circumstances and serve Spain in whatever mission might be assigned to us in the future,” said Martinez Molina.

The national anthem was sung and troops marched off in formation from the parade ground.
The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception was officially declared the patron saint of the army in 1892 but her figure has been venerated by the Infantry in Spain since 1585.

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