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Island premier of Cloud Atlas “unlikely”

Palma.—Cloud Atlas, starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry, filmed on Majorca last year by the Wachowski brothers, appears to be moving further away from its island premier.

The film producers are claiming that they have still not been paid a debt of 150'000 euros owed them by the Balearic government.
The sum for the producers was agreed officially at a government meeting last October, but a spokesman for the Wachowski brothers said that the Balearic government has now sent the Cloud Atlas producers a set of papers to fill in asking that they formally request the money as a subsidy.

Although the money has already been approved, the bureaucratic paperwork is apparently necessary to confirm that payment of government aid has been requested. “After the delay and all the problems that have been associated with the promised subsidies, this is a heavy blow to the producers,” the same sources said.

The spokesman went on to say that right from the beginning, at all presentations of the film and at all press conferences, the film directors and production team spoke of Majorca as an ideal place for the film location, describing the backdrop as “wonderful”.

The team had also spoken of Majorca as something of a “revelation” for the film industry. It is therefore a great pity, the same sources said, that because of the Balearic government's failure to pay what was agreed, that there are no plans to premier the film on Majorca. In August this year, there were queues of people in Palma awaiting their chance for an audition for bit parts in Cloud Atlas and in Soller, the 19th century galleon Earl of Pembroke was moored in the Port to be used for filming. Halle Berry and her family relaxed at local cafés and restaurants.

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