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Balearics posts sharpest rise in unemployment

Palma.—According to figures released by the Ministry for Employment and Social Security yesterday, there are now a total of 96'377 people officially registered as unemployed in the Balearics, although the unions maintain the figure is much higher because many people out of work have either signed off or are no longer entitled to benefits.

But, while the month-on-month figures are sharp, year-on-year, there are only apparently 943 more people out of work than there were at the end of November 2011, a drop of one percent which is better than the performance of the national workplace which has lost 487'355 jobs since the beginning of the year, some 11.2 percent more than during 2011.

However slight the year-on-year dip, local union bosses criticised the Balearic and central governments yesterday for failing to do enough to halt the continuing increase in unemployment.

Over the summer, the Balearics enjoyed six consecutive months of declining unemployment, but since the end of the season in October, the number of people losing their jobs has risen sharply and union leaders said that the situation will only get worse once winter sets in.

The Secretary general of the UGT, General Worker's Union, Manuel Pelarda, described the figures as “fictitious” yesterday claiming that a year-on-year decline and a sharp monthly increase do not add up. “The figures contradict each other and we must remember that many people have been forced to sign off because they are no longer entitled to claim dole due to contract limitations,” he added. “What is even more concerning is that those people who have been given appointments to claim benefit over the past few months, are not going to see anyone until January or February.” Pelarda also revealed that 30 percent of jobs lost nationwide last month were here in the Balearics.

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