In September this year, the Balearic Islands accounted for nearly 27 percent of spending by foreign tourists in Spain, a study by tourism research group Egatur revealed yesterday.
The same study, commissioned by Central Government showed that between January and September this year, foreign tourists in Spain spent 45'106 million euros, 7.2% more than in the same period in 2011.
According to Egatur, the Balearics had the highest foreign tourist spend in absolute terms in September whilst Valencia proved to be the region where spending had increased the most over a year-on-year period, by 28 percent.
In September alone, international tourists spent 6'242 million euros in Spain, 13.4% more than in the same month in 2011. Not only were there more foreign tourists coming last month (up by 5.1%), but they were also spending more, an average rise of 7.8% per person. The average daily spend, said Egatur was up by 7.6%, whilst there was no significant change in the length of stay.
Throughout the country, the United Kingdom and Germany were the key client countries from which people came in the greatest numbers. The Balearics and Catalonia were the regions which most benefited from this increased spending. The British were the highest spending clients in September in Spain with a sharp upturn of 16.3% to reach 1'446 million euros. Germans also increased their spend by 16.1% to 1'184 million euros during September.