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Republicans say door should be open for Bauzá's dismissal

Palma.—Republican party Esquerra Unida in the Balearics has told the Partido Popular (PP) Parliamentary group that it should “make way” for the dismissal of regional PP President José Ramón Bauzá at the next meeting of Parliament.

The move comes in the wake of controversy over a conflict of interest between Bauzá holding a government office and his undeclared business interests, particularly those relating to his ownership of a pharmacy. The Republicans say that the President is in breach of the law and should be urged to go.

Esquerra Unida said that the next meeting of Parliament would be the last opportunity that the PP will have to honour its election promise of flushing out “irregularities” in the dealings of government members, including those of the President.

The Republicans claim they have evidence that Bauzá falsified documentation to cover the true extent of his private dealings. Esquerra Unida (EU) has said that for Bauzá simply to deny the fact from the beginning is a “useless strategy.” If the matter is left unresolved, said EU, the Balearics will be forced to have the issue of fighting corruption as an item on the top agenda of the region, which would do little to help the region at a time of crisis.

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