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Protest over Balearic Commerce policy

Palma.—Small to medium-sized associations Afedeco and Pimeco have arranged a mass demonstration of their members for Tuesday, 30th October at 8pm in front of City Hall in Palma. Both associations said that the protest is aimed against the Commerce policies of the Balearic government which, they claim, have given “carte blanche” to hypermarkets and large businesses to the detriment of small to medium-sized businesses.

From City Hall, the protest march will make its way to the offices of the Economy ministry where a document will be handed over setting out the associations' rejection of the measures proposed under the government's Commerce policy. “We either mobilise against the (Commerce) policy or we die,” is the theme which will emblazen the banners of protesters on 30th October. All retail businesses are invited to join the demonstration, said Afedeco and Pimeco yesterday.

They claimed that there are major projects afoot to allow large scale companies and hypermarkets to “invade” the islands which would do irreparable damage to small to medium-sized businesses. “We're facing all sorts of problems,” said association spokesmen. “A hike in IVA, fall in consumer confidence, and a government which is celebrating the arrival of large operators such as Bauhaus. There's also going to be a new Carrefour at Coll d'en Rabassa which will destroy 3'000 jobs,” they claimed.

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