Palma.The company responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the beach at Cala Varques has decided to erect a public notice at the site of the cliffs.
The notice is being set up with the aim of giving official warning and of preventing further accidents. So far this year, there have been as many as four occasions on which it has been necessary to evacuate people by helicopter following incidents on the cliffs.
The notice will point out that each helicopter rescue costs 6'000 euros and that charges may be reclaimed from the victims under legislation governing negligence.
The lead message of the public notice is Your life is worth more than a jump and is designed to heighten public awareness of the need for safety.
The access to the beach at Cala Varques is particularly steep and difficult so that if an accident does happen, Emergency services can't reach the site by land.
If rescue teams were to approach by sea, arrival would be delayed, which means that the only feasible solution would be for doctors to be flown in by air.
Those who have been injured after falls at Cala Varques have suffered serious back injuries.