Palma. After a week of suffocating night-time temperatures the worst is now over Alejandro Lomas, National Weather Agency (Aemet) spokesman said yesterday, confirming that temperatures will now start to come down steadily until Sunday.
However, temperatures on Majorca will continue to be sufficiently high for the island to remain on Orange alert until the weekend when they will plunge significantly. Balearic spokesman for Aemet Miquel Gili said that the temperature drop could be by between 5 and 6 degrees and that some isolated showers could be expected. He said that although no temperature records this month had been broken on the island, it has certainly been at least the second hottest of the last 30 years. The sensation of heat had been greater because of the prolonged highs.
Yesterday in Binissalem and Sa Pobla, thermometers were up to nearly 39 degrees Centigrade.
It is the third heatwave this season which has been significantly long with especially high night-time temperatures, with minimums of between 23 and 25 degrees and humidity levels ranging from 70 to 80 percent. The result is that the temperature feels closer to 30 degrees.
The first two were marked more for their day-time highs reaching 40 degrees in some cities.
Meanwhile, Lomas said that after Sunday, temperatures could start to climb back up again but would be normal for the time of year.
He added that it is possible that there could be a fourth heat wave this season but as September approaches, the possibility starts to fade as the nights close in and the power of solar radiation diminishes.
At the weekly market in Andratx yesterday, two tourists suffered from heat stroke and in both cases had to be taken to hospital.
The public are reminded to maintain basic precautions of staying out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day, to drink plenty of water and those having to work in the open air should wear head protection and take frequent breaks in the shade. Elderly people and pets should not be left sitting in cars.