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New guidelines to improve air travel for people with reduced mobility

Palma.—ABTA and the CAA have launched new guidelines for the travel industry to help deliver a smooth airport experience for people with reduced mobility. The guidelines were drafted by the CAA in conjunction with ABTA and developed by an industry group. They aim to give information and advice for travel companies and airports on how to provide the optimal experience for passengers who require assistance at the airport.

Under European law, all passengers who are disabled or have difficulty moving around can receive assistance when they fly, free of charge. The number of disabled and persons with reduced mobility (PRM) passengers who are pre-booking assistance has increased since the implementation of the legislation in 2008. However, the levels continue to vary significantly across airlines and on specific flight routes.

There are also problems with the accuracy of the information that is collected and transferred and this impacts on the airports' ability to plan resources accordingly.

The document is intended to supplement the Department for Transport's 2008 Code of Practice detailing the requirements of the legislation on providing assistance to disabled persons and PRMs by offering practical guidance based on experience.

The key focus is pre-notification.

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