Palma.The Balearic Association of Animal Rights lawyers has made an official complaint to Palma Council about poor treatment of animals in the city, particularly of the horses which draw the tourist carriages.
The Association said yesterday that following considerable pressure from the public and a personal request from the Queen of Spain, the City Council had paid for a series of awnings to be set up so that carriage drivers could tether their horses in the shade whilst waiting for custom.
It is unacceptable, said the lawyers' association, that a few months ago, the drivers stopped using the awnings mostly out of laziness as they simply couldn't be bothered to raise the shades. The Association has written to the Mayor of Palma, Mateo Isern, formally requesting that he make it clear to the carriage drivers that the awnings should always be used when necessary.
If the drivers fail to comply, furthered the Association, then the Local Police should be informed.