Manacor. After just a fortnight of being in operation, the citizens' help line in Manacor has fielded 50 complaints from local residents.
There had been wide public interest in the telephone number 971-105060 which was set up to get feedback from the public on council services. Messages picked up on the answer phone are relayed directly to the department concerned at the town hall.
Citizen Support Councillor, Cristina Matamalas, said yesterday that the main body of complaints being phoned through to the help line related to road maintenance problems and excessive local authority bureaucracy. Amongst other issues, callers complained that lampposts weren't working, dirt and rubbish were piling up in the street, and public gardens and pavements were being left in a poor state of repair.
The response time from the moment that calls are received is reportedly fairly swift as they are handled by a General Services central control hub which has jurisdiction over the Municipal Brigade.
In the space of a week, the majority of the complaints were dealt with in all suburbs of Manacor, with technicians out on the job, fixing paving slabs, removing rubbish, clearing vegetation, and relighting lampposts. The help line is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A complaint can be made anonymously. Another aim of the help line is to improve communication between local taxpayers and the council which handles public services. The council has printed leaflets and put up posters regarding the service to make local people aware of it.