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Politicians are happier to forego “extras” rather than have a pay cut

Palma.— Members of Parliamentary parties in the Balearics have revealed during a series of meetings on reducing expenses, that they are much more willing to forego any special allowances and other perks that come with the job rather than agreeing to a lower base salary.

Whichever way the expenses issue was analysed at the meetings, it was taken for granted that a reduction in salary would be the means that would have the greatest impact on cost saving. However, party members had already sustained a 10 percent pay cut during the term of office of the pervious Balearic government and were reluctant to take another proposed reduction of around 5 percent.

The opposition parties in the Balearic Parliament, chiefly the national and regional Socialists (PSOE and PSM) demanded that if they were to be “hit” with another decrease in their salary, then members of the Balearic government and other senior politicians should be subject to the same cuts.

The ruling Partido Popular (PP) were not in agreement however, saying that there had already been a pay restructuring at the start of the present term of office. Furthermore, said the PP, news was awaited from Central Government on what further public funding cuts they had in mind.

The Parliamentary discussions come in response to a PP proposal launched some weeks ago tabling the possibility of reducing the number of seats in Parliament to save public money. The Balearic opposition rejected the idea of reducing the number of seats, preferring to discuss reduced allowances or perks.

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