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Mixed views over new port plan.

Palma.—The recently proposed redevelopment plan for the Port of Palma announced by Dutch construction promoter and chairman of Key Global, Ronald Ras, met with mixed reactions from the business community and conservationists yesterday.

The enormity of the project budgeted at 1'869 million euros, has raised some scepticism as it will be a privately managed venture with an award of contract for 45 years.

Joan Gual, the President of the Majorcan Chamber of Commerce summed up initial reactions to the Port of Palma proposals: “Enlargement is undoubtedly needed, especially along the commercial jetties and more moorings for superyachts are required. A new dock could be built parallel to the already-existing one which would create more space and generate economic activity. “The problem is that some of the Key Global development plans ride roughshod over companies who already have management contracts for certain services. Although an overhaul of the Port of Palma is needed, it should not be at any price.” Gual went on to say that it is a bit soon to make any further judgement as there isn't enough information. He said that there is still much about the American and German funded project, designed to put Palma in the same bracket as the luxury ports of Cannes and Monaco, which needs to be clarified. “Not the solution for the Balearics” Meanwhile, Balearic ecological watchdog GOB said yesterday that the conservationists are very worried about the signals emerging from the region's centre-right Partido Popular government in favour of “mega” development. Spokesman Margalida Ramis said that it would seem the government is doing everything it can to capture private investment. “We feel that President Bauzá is improvising policy as he goes along and the overwhelming size of the Key Global development would mean that it would inevitably transform the city of Palma as well.” She said such huge projects are not the solution for the Balearics or its economy.

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