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Students organise “protest party” at Education ministry

Palma.—The six students who have been camping out in front of the Education ministry in Palma since 27th May to demand the resignation of department director Ana María Rodríguez, are organizing a “protest party” on the same spot an hour prior to a meeting to be held with Education spokesman Rafael Bosch on 26th June.

One of the students Mercedes Belendez said yesterday that she was advertising the “protest party” on social networks and that “anyone who supported the cause” is invited.

She said that she has sent out a message “for people to think about.” Belendez claimed there are two options- “We either get rid of violence, indifference and the Education director, or on the other hand, we say goodbye to a code of ethics, political responsibility and quality public education.” “You decide,” Belendez said. The long standing protest outside the Education ministry follows an incident when students protesting against cuts in the Education system staged a sit-in at the ministry offices, much to the chagrin of Ana María Rodríguez who allegedly hit one of the students over the head with a book. The students plan to ask Bosch why he hasn't dismissed her.

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