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Most Spaniards to holiday close to home, flat and villa rentals soar in Balearics

Madrid.— The majority of Spaniards going away on holiday this year won't be leaving the country, travel industry watchdog reported on its website yesterday, adding that the Balearics is one of the regions where demand for holiday rentals has been on the increase.

The group, which specialises in apartment rental on the internet said that with 68 percent of national holiday makers choosing to remain in Spain, the demand for close-to-home destinations in July and August has increased by 3 percent in comparison with 2011.

According to, the demand for holidays abroad has fallen by 13 percent this year and represents just 32% of the holiday-making population. This compares to a figure of 52% for the same period last year. The three regions of Spain which are benefitting the most from the demand for holiday apartment rentals are La Rioja where demand has soared by 79%, Madrid (70%) and Castilla y Leon (64%). Apart from the Balearics - where interest by Spaniards in holiday homes is up 60% - and the Basque Country, all regions where people want to hire a holiday home are located inland. The trend is in stark contrast to recent years where most Spaniards have wanted a sun, sea and sand holiday.

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