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Sunday opening gathers strength

Palma.—Commerce Councillor Esperanza Crespi was reporting on findings of the commission set up to monitor how shoppers are using the central part of Palma marked out as an area of particular tourist interest on Sundays.

According to Crespi, Avenida Antoni Maura is where most shops and businesses open on Sundays (81.25%), followed by Plaza Weyler (75%), the Born and Plaza Joan Carles I (50%); and Jaime III (46.87%).

Crespi said that there were less shops open in the secondary streets in the centre of Palma but no precise data was available.
The Presidents of small business associations Pimeco and Afedeco, Bernat Coll and Bartomeu Servera claimed that with every week that went by, more establishments were choosing to open on a Sunday but Servera said that the City Council shouldn't attributed all responsibility for either the success or failure of the public holiday opening project to the shopkeepers alone.

Speaking on behalf of large supermarkets and department stores, Francisco Garcia said that Sunday had become the second most profitable day of the week especially in the event of the weather being cloudy. He said that it had been a highly significant move for the City Council to permit Sunday opening and hoped that if the success continues, the licence should be extended to other areas of Palma.

Tourism Councillor Alvaro Gijon said that at the moment, Sunday opening only applies to the months between April and October but consideration may be given to permitting it all year round. “Tour operators are beginning to talk of Palma as a city which is open to customers and where there is plenty of activity going on,” he said.

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