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The Partido Popular government wants to reduce the number of its MPs as well as the directors of the Council of Majorca

Palma.—The Partido Popular (PP) Balearic government said yesterday that its recent proposal to cut the number of Members of Parliament should also apply to the four regional Island Councils.

Mabel Cabrer, PP Parliamentary spokesperson confirmed that the draft which proposes doing away with between 8 and 10 MPs, will be formally presented to other political groups within a week. “We want to cut down but not to the point where Parliamentary representation becomes unbalanced,” said Cabrer. The PP claim that cutting down on MPs will save the government 5 million euros for the present term of office.

Maria Salom, the President of the Council of Majorca said that all parties should be willing to talk about making savings “particularly when citizens are being asked to make sacrifices.” So far the proposal has had outright rejection from the Majorcan Socialist Coalition (PSM-IV-ExM). PSM MP Antoni Alorda said that if the number of MPs is going to be reduced, so should the number of votes required to ensure him or her a seat in Parliament. Meanwhile, Jaume Font, the President of the Regional League party set up as an alternative to the now defunct Union Mallorquina party said that it was nothing less than “frivolous” to talk about making MPs redundant.

He said that any alteration in the constitution of Parliament should be reached by cross-party agreement.

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