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Tourists to Son Servera call for improvements to beach services

A European Union funded survey carried out on the level of tourist satisfaction in the resorts of Cala Millor and Cala Bona ( Son Servera) has shown that despite 80 percent of interviewees confirming they had enjoyed their holidays, there were some complaints over the beach and the services provided there.

Around 40 percent said that there was “room for improvement” in the beaches at both resorts; 10 percent described the state of Cala Millor beach as “poor” and 20 percent had the same comments to make about the beach at Cala Bona. The wide-ranging survey, commissioned by Son Servera town council, was carried out between June and October last year. During this period, four people interviewed no less than 1'700 tourists who also made comments on their accommodation, the level of service they received and the professionalism of staff.

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