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Extra moorings in Portocolom from a pontoon

Portocolom.—The Sailing Club in Portocolom has been given permission by the Balearic Ports Authority to set up a floating pontoon in the harbour to cope with extra demand for boat moorings during the summer months.

The pontoon will be erected in the area of jetty number 600 and will provide 36 moorings plus facilities for water and electricity supply to the boats.
The Ports Authority Board has also told Portocolom Sailing Club that it can set up on a temporary basis, a series of floating buoys for boats to anchor out in the Es Babo area. At the moment, there is insufficient control over boats dropping anchor in the bay and the buoys already in existence are in need of repair.

A Board representative said yesterday that boating activity needs to be restricted because it is creating unsustainable pressure on the marine environment.

Similarly, an area of so-called “ecological” buoys will be set up for mooring in the area of Porto Petro. This aims to stop boats dropping anchor over the fragile meadows of marine Posidonia grass which have been listed as officially protected ecosystems. The move comes in the wake of a new law being decreed by the Balearic government which has stopped boats of over 12 metres in length mooring in waters less than 35 metres deep if the sea bed is not purely sandy, so that there is no danger of anchors ripping up the delicate marine grass.

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