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Mindless vandalism on the beach

Muro.—The owner of a company hiring out sun beds and sun shades on Can Picafort beach and part of the Playa de Muro yesterday made an official complaint to the Guardia Civil. It concerned an incident of wholesale vandalism which had resulted in the destruction of nearly 150 sunbeds in the early hours of Monday morning.

Visibly upset by the damage, Riutort explained that a great deal of money would have to be spent replacing the canvas on so many beach beds. “And all this has happened at the start ofthe tourist season,” he complained. “Each measure of material costs about 22 euros,” he confirmed, “and on top of that I have to consider the cost of the labour.” Early Tuesday morning, staff of the beach management company were hurrying to bring out of the storage cupboard any surplus beds to act as a temporary replacement for those which will have to be refitted.

Only last week, Riutort had 60 of his beach bed stock on the Playa de Muro damaged. It was by no means the first time. In 2007, he reported that 570 of the sun beds he hired out in Muro had been slashed.

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