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No advice for Palma taxpayers until June

Palma.— “We can't give any appointments for advice to taxpayers on fast-tracking their annual returns until June,” a spokesman for the regional branch of the Inland Revenue said yesterday in Palma. “All the slots for May have been taken up after we were deluged with calls from the public at the start of this month.” He claimed that this was the first year that this “log jam” had occurred but it did little to quell the complaints of people in Palma who have been sent off to branch tax offices in Manacor and Inca for advice because Palma headquarters was “full to overflowing.” Inland Revenue sources defended the department's corner by saying yesterday that 1'300 appointments to the public are given every day in the Balearics during the period allowed for tax returns. “The other problem we face,” said the spokesman “is that 6% of people who make advance appointments fail to turn up on the day.” Tax-payers place great store by the fast-track tax return system.

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