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More contradictions in Operation Make Up case

Palma.—The former leader of the Majorca Unionist Party and President of the Council of Majorca, Maria Antonia Munar, yesterday accused those who have implicated her in an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of public funds as liars.

On the third day of the hearing, she told the Palma High Court that it was her right hand man while President of the Council of Majorca, former Tourism Minister Miguel Nadal, who is the guilty partner.

The alleged corruption case centres around the alleged subsidising of a local TV production channel with the aim of setting up a TV channel favourable to the UM Party and the eventual purchase of a 50 percent stake in the company by apparently using Council of Majorca public funds.

Nadal told the court it was Munar's idea because all the other channels were controlled by the PP.

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