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Over 1´000 people have signed up to save the Renoir cinema

Palma.—The “Save the Renoir” campaign, created by a group of local film buffs in response to last month's announcement that the film complex was going to close, have now managed to attract the support of over 1'000 people.

Led by the President of the Mallorcan Film Commission, Pedro Barbadillo, the next move is that a cooperative is going to be created by all the backers of the campaign and each one will be obliged to pay a monthly fee which will go towards keeping the cinema operating.

The fees have yet to be agreed on but, as the Bulletin reported last week, at the moment those in charge of the campaign are considering between 20 and 25 euros, the equivalent to one cinema ticket per week.

The Renoir chain of cinemas is prepared to sell the cooperative all the equipment, seats and projectors for 20'000 euros but the stumbling block is still the rent the actual owners of the building are hanging out for.

However, Barbadillo is confident he has overcome the hurdle and that the cinemas will be open again come the end of this month or the start of June.
What is more, this week, the Council of Majorca and Palma City Council have given their full backing to the campaign and that has given the cooperative a confidence boost as it draws very close to taking over the cinemas which closed earlier month after 15 years of showing some of the best award-winning films in their original versions, primarily English.

AltaFilms have agreed to continue distributing top films should the cooperative's project come to life and other audio visual companies and outfits have also agreed to help if there are any technical problems.

Talks with the property owners, AltaFilms and the Renoir chain are still on going but all moving in the right direction and a website has been built providing all the latest news and developments and will eventually become the main portal through which those who want to join the cooperative can make their monthly payments. Another website will also be set up shortly to find a new name for the complex which can no longer be called the Renoir as it is no longer part of the national chain. Visit:

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