Palma.The National Weather Agency (AEMET) warned yesterday that there is more bad weather on the way for most of the country this week and that on Thursday, the Balearics could see generalised rainfall across the Islands.
The Agency's report for the whole of Spain said that during the first two weeks of April, 45 litres per square metre of snow and rain had fallen. Given that the normal levels for the whole of the month average out at 65 litres per square metre, 70 percent of the month's rainfall has been recorded in just the first fortnight.
AEMET spokesperson Fermin Elizaga confirmed that it is currently raining more than normal in all areas except Extremadura and the southeast mainland.
She said that this week will be typical of spring with a number of conflicting weather fronts mostly affecting northern areas of the country.
Sunday of the Angel
Meanwhile, there was great disappointment at the weekend for Palma's Federation of Neighbourhood Associations who in conjunction with Palma City Council had gone to great lengths to organise the annual Sunday of the Angel parade and festival.
The rain put paid to a wide variety of activities for children and adults: a bouncy castle, nordic walking activity, xeremiers (bagpipes, pipes and drums), folk dancing, displays of swordsmanship, food and drink stalls, exhibitions by castellers (teams of people forming pyramid towers by standing on one another's shoulders) to name just a few.
Sandra Fernandez, Citizen Participation Councillor said that it wasn't feasible to keep the festival running with rainfall being forecast for the whole day.