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12´000 euros robbed from property in Maria de la Salut

Palma.—The Guardia Civil has been put in charge of investigating a 12'000 euros robbery from a house in Maria de la Salut by yet another team of bogus electricity inspectors.

One of the victims, Antoni Castello, explained that at around 2.15pm, a man claiming to work for GESA knocked on their door. He said that the power company had noticed a sharp increase in electricity consumption and therefore had been dispatched to inspect the property's power installations. “We let him in and he appeared to start work. Within minutes his so-called boss arrived to carry out the necessary inspection. At no point did we suspect anything and when his boss came they began inspecting the house room by room, checking the plugs, but what they were really doing was casing the joint. “On Sunday, my wife had taken off all her gold and left it in a bag on a tray, as soon as they had found that, they created a distraction and it was gone.” The stolen goods are said to be between 30 and 40 years old and worth an estimated 12'000 euros. The Guardia Civil are hunting two men, one said to be aged 30 and his partner 60 and both are Spanish.

A major investigation has been mounted and the Guardia Civil are convinced they will have this case wrapped up within a matter of days because a lot of finger prints were left behind. But again, police are urging people to ask all gas/electricity inspectors for ID.

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