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Television tribute to Majorca health care in primetime show

By Brett Gibbons

A BRITISH television documentary this week paid tribute to national health medical care in Majorca.
The Virgin One primetime programme Sun, Sea, A&E, which is broadcast on the satellite channel every Tuesday evening gives a fly-on-the-wall account of events at Palma's Son Dureta Hospital and the Muro Hospital near Alcudia.

The behind the scenes action filmed last summer shows British tourists and ex-pats who head to the hospitals' casualty departments when their holiday dreams are shattered by illness and injury.

And people featured in the first two programmes in the six-show series have all underlined that Majorca health service facilities and patient care are way ahead of what is expected by the petrified patients. This week staff at the A&E department at Son Dureta and American doctor Chris Yates were highlighted in the show. The excellent work done by casualty department staff at Muro hospital was also in the spotlight. Both health care establishments were given exceptional praise by patients and their stressed out families.

This week's episode centred on 10-year-old holidaymaker Oceana, suffering from acute Crohn's Disease, a painful digestive condition, which can be fatal. Poisonous ulcers had flared up in her intestines.

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