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NEXT year's cultural agenda on Majorca is to include a visit by clarinetist and Oscar-winning actor Woody Allen who will be accompanied by the New Orleans Jazz Band at the Palma Arena.

The island has seen the closing stages of its summer entertainment programme and is already embarking on a lighter but highly qualitative autumn agenda. Bebo and Chucho Valdes already have performances scheduled, and evergreen Spanish singer and film favourite Manolo Escobar will set hearts fluttering once more. Blues singer and human rights activist Barbara Hendricks will render a special tribute to one of the all-time greats of the world of jazz, Billie Holiday.

Bebo and Chucho Valdes are a father and son act who will perform their new work Juntos para siempre (always together) at Palma's Auditorium on 25th October. Their style reflects traditional Cuban music throughout the ages, with the two pianists first performing solo and then as a duel act. The following day, Cuban tones give way to Country and Western music of the United States when Jason Ringenburg, and the partnership of Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart are on stage at the Municipal Auditorium of Porreres.

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