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Palma most popular holiday destination

PALMA and Malaga are the Spanish “sun and sea” destinations most in demand from Spanish travellers, while Ibiza is the preferred destination for package holidays, according to a study published yesterday by

The Spanish are travelling abroad more, “mainly” for short breaks as opposed to the traditional month, according to the study, which says that Italy (9.5 percent of bookings), Germany (8.5 percent) and France (8 percent) are the countries to which Spanish travellers fly most. The “online” travel agent did the study based on the bookings for June, July and August.

With regard to national destinations, Madrid and Barcelona were the destinations to which most flights were booked, with 19.8 and 16 percent of the total respectively.

Nevertheless, Palma and Malaga were the most popular “sun and sea” destinations.'s Marketing director, Daniel Yuste, highlighted that their “wide” range of offers and price policy “for all pockets” meant that there is an “extremely diverse” demand for flights.

As for package holidays, the most popular within Spain were to Ibiza (31 percent), followed by Almeria (12.5 percent) and Tenerife (12.5 percent). At international level the most popular package holidays were to Portugal (12.3 percent of the bookings), especially Madeira, some countries in the near East such as Egypt (6.88 percent) and Turkey (5 percent).

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