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Changes to Balearic wills

News Desk
THE Council of Majorca will be approving the Will Law proposal this Friday, which will give Balearic residents the right to express their last wishes, in respect of medical matters, if for any reason they are not in fit mind to express their wishes themselves, owing to an illness or maybe an accident.

The Minister for Health and Consumer Affairs, Aina Castillo, yesterday said that this new proposal to the law will be finalised by the end of this year or at the beginning of next year.

The following instructions can be contained in the will document:
1. Medical treatments that resident wishes to receive or not receive.
2. In the case of a critical situation, instructions of certain medical treatments that the resident does not wish to receive.
3. In the case of a critical situation, instructions to not prolong the life artificially, although the will will not cover euthanasia.
4. Instructions to allow donation or not of organs.
5. Burial instructions, for example cremation or burial.
All residents that wish to have these rights in their will must apply and register them in the Will Registry, said the Minister for Health and Consumer Affairs.

All these wishes on the Register will be treated confidentially. At the time of registering, all residents must be of adult age and must not have any mental problems that may inhibiit their judgement. Only the respective doctors will have access to this document.

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