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Furniture design

THE jury on the 2005 Manacor Furniture Design Competition have announced the winners of this important event. Prizes totalling 10'200 euros will be handed out to the lucky few. In Category A, for professional designers from all over Spain, the first prize went to Gemma Bernal for her work called “Up & Down” and will receive 4'500 euros for her hard efforts. Second place went to Javier Dìez Blanco who will get 2'000 euros for his “mobile hanger” design. The third prize was awarded to Niall Cornelius O'Flynn, who will get 600 euros for his design work called “Marx Brothers”. The theme for this year's competition was open, although the designs had to be associated with the housing or hotel industries. In total 30 professional designs were put forward, said a spokesperson from the Ministry for Commerce. Category B, dedicated to design students, also had to follow this theme. In total 16 projects were presented for the category B competition. The winner of the first prize in this category went to Oscar Alba, who will win 1'500 euros for his “origins” design. Whereas second prize was given to Marta Peitavy who will get 700 euros for her work called “ISI-M”. Finally in Category C, for Balearic design students under 18 years old, 19 projects were put forward. The two winners of this category, who will both receive 150 euros, went to Bárbara Bibiloni, for her “Thin woman wants kisses” design, and Marina Valls, for “Serra”.

New flats

THE Ministry for Public Works yesterday announced the start of the four construction works to build subsidised flats in Capdepera and Cala Rajada. This will mean the creation of 38 new subsidised flats in the area that will cost the Balearic Housing Institute (IBAVI) almost three million euros. The Head of the Ministry for Public Works, Mabel Cabrer, placed the first brick of the block of 11 flats that are to be built on calle Roses de Capdepera. Six of these flats will have two bedrooms and five of the them will have three bedrooms. This block of flats will cost 936'449 euros to construct and will be ready in approximately eleven months. Another two blocks of flats are to be built on calle Gómez Ulla. One block will have thirteen flats, which will cost 1'02 million euros, and the other block will house 10 flats and will cost 615'33 euros. In calle Pizarro, number 44 in Cala Rajada, four flats with two bedrooms will be built. The cost of these construction works will hit the 300'000 euros mark and will take around 11 months to complete.

More dumping

THE Socialist Party in Inca have announced that they are going to bring a complaint to the attention of the Ministry for the Environment. They are also going to ask the Ministry to start an investigation into the rubbish that has been dumped on a council-owned country estate on the Es Garrover road. Furthermore, they are going to insist that this rubbish is removed as soon as is possible. A few days ago the socialists announced that it was representatives from the Inca town council who has used this estate as a dumping ground. After this complaint was made, the Deputy Mayor of Inca, Joan Rubert, sharply denied the allegations that council representatives were dumping rubbish there. Let's wait and see what the outcome of this saga will be and what truths will actually emerge.

Football improvements

IT was agreed during the last council meeting in Felanitx that they would install artificial grass on the Sa Lleona de s'Horta football field. These improvements will cost 750'000 euros and will be paid for by the Ministry for Presidency in the Balearic Government. The work will start this year and was voted for by all political parties except the United Left-Greens, who said that “this is about a promise from the Palma right-wing party to the Felanitx right-wing party”.

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