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Lorry ablaze

A LORRY parked in the golf range car park caught fire at around 6pm yesterday, producing dramatic flames and billowing thick black smoke. The fire brigade arrived within 15 minutes and brought it under control swiftly. The cause for the fire is still unknown.

BBQ and bonfires

THE popular traditional “fallas”, Valencian bonfire festivities, has already started at will today bring the BBQ at 8.30pm in El Toro. This “falla” festival is perhaps one of the most oldest in Majorca. The festival will finish on Sunday and has something to offer for all ages. On Sunday the huge bonfire will be lit at 9pm and there will be many activites taking place, such as BBQs, karaoke, people parading in the traditional “falla” costumes and games of Valencian pelota.

Water supply

THE Ministry for the Environment and the Esporlas town council are to join together forces to improve the water supplies in the area. At present there is insufficent water supplies to cope with the demands. The Ministry for the Environment will give, via the Balearic Water and Energy Institute (IBAEN) 75 percent of the costs of this project. They will also be responsible for the technical aspects of the project. The Local Co-operation Department will supply the remaining 25 percent costs of this project, and will be in charge of the bidding for the works. The budget is estimated to be as much as 90'000 euros. The works that will be undertaken “will not in any way harm the local environment” but will instead “guarantee a good service” of water supply for the whole area, said a spokesperson from the Government. The improvements to this water supply are indeed “one of the Esporlas town councils main priorities”, added the spokesperson. The teamwork involved in this project by the different governing bodies has been sealed in an agreement that was signed by all the relevant parties yesterday.

School book success

T HE Sant Bartomeu school started an unusual initiative nine years ago and it seems that it has been and still is a true success. The initiative allows students to share text books year after year, thus saving money and resources. The students families are thankful for this project as it saves them great deals of money that they used to have to hand out for new text books each year. Furthermore the initiative has improved the awareness of students to be more responsable with their text books. This pioneerin project started in 1996 and Alaro was the first town on the island to start using it. Now schools in Marratxi and Consell have also signed up to this initiative.

Sewage complaints

THE spokesperson from the Socialist Party (PSOE), Miquel Cifre, has asked the town council to compensate the shop owners in Can Picafort who have all been affected by the sewage works that are currently being carried out. “I have put forward a motion to the town council asking them to pay compensation to those shop owners who have lost business and had problems due to the sewage works”, explained Cifre. He added that he finds it “very strange” that the company doing the sewage reforms, Llabres Feliu and Pastor, have guaranteed that the work will be finished in only one year. This seems especially strange seeing as the work was supposed to be done in four years, he said. “The socialist party are going to ask that the town council investigates the quality of the works”, he said. This work to replace the water pipes in Can Picafort, started last October and it is now estimated that all work will be complete during May. Residents in tourists in this area have been waiting for these improvements for many years, affected suffering with the bad smells for too long.

Road protection

THE ancient 700 year old Sa Pobla road is still in it's original state and the town council want to make sure that it stays that way. “This urban road has been intact since 1300 and we believe that we have to provide the maximum protection so that it is not modified in any way”, said the Minister for Urbanism, Joan Palou. The road will be added to the protection plan that will be discussed on Monday.

Road closures

THE road that joins Sineu and Sant Joan will be closed to traffic for three weeks starting from 4 April. The reason for the road closures are the reforms that will be carried out on a bridge in Sineu.

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