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Improvements to road

THE roadworks that will improve the road that enters Muro will get rid of all the “black spots” of the road that has made it into one of the most dangerous roads on the island. This work began in February and is hoped to be completed by March 2006, according to the island director for roads in the Council of Majorca, Gonzalo Aguiar. “The work is concentrated in the first lane after the roundabout at Son Catiu”, said Aguiar. The bad weather has caused delays to the work. This is one of the main Council investments which aims to completely reform the road. “The whole road is a black spot, it is a very old road and for this reason it was necessary to start this project now”, he added. The project will get rid of the blind corners and has a total budget of 4.4 million euros.

Ibizan hounds on show

TODAY Llucmajor is holding the sixth anniversary of the Ibizan Hounds Day at the Son Noguera poligono, and there will be around 250 dogs on show. The event will begin at 10am and has been organised by the Ibizan Hound Hunting Dogs Federation and the Llucmajor Hunting Federation. The town council is supporting today's event, which will finish with a meal for all at the poligono.

Pine trees destroyed

A RESIDENTS association in the port of Alcúdia complained a few days ago about the destruction of several pine and eucaliptus trees in the park at the GESA swimming pool complex. Municipal teams are cutting down the trees and the residents (represented by Coloma Terrassa, councillor) made the appropriate complaints to the town council. The residents said “that this is a complete discrimination against 20 trees in a popular area”. The councillor for the Environment, Melchora Gómez (from the socialist party - PSOE) replied that they would not be destroying anymore trees and that they had to cut down the 20 trees to “allow the others room to grow” and to make space for the children's play area. “The experts and the municipal biologists recommended this move”, he added.

Workforce moved

THE Majorica artificial pearl factory is about to be sold by an estate agent on the island, and currently 50 percent of the workforce have been transferred to the Majorica warehouse on an industrial estate. All 174 people in the Majorica workforce are hoped to be moved to this new building by 31 August this year to carry on making jewellery and pearls. “The final process to move the remaining 55 workers out of the old factory and into the new building will begin on 15 April and carry through until the end of August”, said the new diector of production, José Escobar. This move will cost the company around 550'000 euros.

Extra energy needed

THE new industrial estate in Inca will need 30 percent of the total energy consumption in Inca. This information surprised the Mayor for Inca, Pere Rotger and the Gesa-Endesa President, Bartomeu Reus, during the opening ceremony yesterday that was held at the Gesa-Endesa sub-station. Works to this station started yesterday to renovate and extend equipment and installations. The cost of this project is 2.8 million euros and will mean that “all equipment and installations are restored with new control and protection systems”, said Bartomeu Reus. “This will allow us to supply energy more efficiently”, he added. Reus said that when the definitive plans for the project have been completed, he will then consider them and take them into account.

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