THE Friends of the Earth and Environment (Gadma) have reported that there is uncontrolled sewage and water that has not gone through the sewage treatment system and seeps directly in one of the lagoons in Can Figuera. Gadma is worried that this water has contaminated the wells of residents who live near to the lagoon. The residents are complaining that the water that ends up in the lagoon is accompanied by toilet paper and smells terrible. The spokesperson for Gadma is asking the Health and Safety Institute (Ibasan) for urgent measures to be taken and also for a tertiary system at the treatment plant to be installed. The manager of Ibasan, Bàrbara Mestre, yesterday noted that she has already been informed of this problem and the technicians are already working to find a solution. The manager of Ibasan and the director of the Government Department for Water Resources, Joan Crespí, yesterday asked the mayor Miquel Nadal to carry out thorough research into the wells of the area.
No houses to be built
THE town planning promoter, Multicoop, who applied for the licence back in February 2001 to construct 22 houses in the Cala Carbó mountain in Pollensa, has finally been refused and the company cannot even apply for compensation. The Supreme High Court has ruled in favour of the Pollensa town coucnil, which refused the licence. The company is asking for compensation at a value of 2'221 million euros or even to be still able to carry out this work, claiming that suspending the licence is breaking the law. This is considered a historic decision, especially considering that there is also another building company who want to build houses in the area. This is also an environmental victory, said the mayor Joan Cerdà. The Majorca Land Plan currently protects the mountain as it is classified as a green area. The houses should instead be built in the port of Pollensa where there is a huge amount of construction work taking place.
New school
THE councillor for Education and Culture, Frances Fiol, yesterday visited the construction site for the new school in Esporles. The new school building will be finished this summer so that it can be opened to pupils for the new school year of 2005-2006. The building works have been 60 per cent finished already and the investment for carrying out this project cost approximately 3 million euros, said a spokesperson from the Ministry. The school is located in the Son Quint area in Esporles and will have enough space for 12 secondary school classes and will also have an indoor sports hall and a cafeteria. Furthermore this centre will be one of the first to have an indoor heating system which will allow them to have air conditioning during the summer months.
Road closures
THE works to improve the flood channels will cause certain roads in the area to be closed to traffic. The most affected areas will be Avenida del Torrent, Mossèn Alcover, Plaza Ramon Llull and Rambla del Rei en Jaume. The road directions will also be changed during the work but although the Local Police have been informed, a mobility plan has not yet been drawn up. The Socialist Party has replied that a mobility plan will be included in the plans before the work is due to start.