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Balearics adopt 77 foreign children

Staff Reporter
WITH only a few days to go before 2004 draws to a close, figures show that there were 38 national, and 77 international adoptions in Spain this year.
The trend is very similar to the previous year when 56 applications were registered to adopt internally and 76 from outside the country.
In fact, the data belies the level of interest shown in adoption because over the period of the last 12 months, the Majorcan Institute of Social Services claims that 178 applictions were made to adopt internationally and 82 to adopt nationally.

For Ramon Rotger, president of the Balearic Islands Adoption Association (pictured), “the most important element is that the number of applications and secured adoptions has been more or less on an even keen for a number of years. The trends shows the maturity of Majorcan society which is increasingly aware of the issues surrounding the theme of adoption”.

Analysed by country, Russia is the land which has successfully negotiated the highest number of adoptions with Majorca this year (and with Spain in general); China lies in second place with 56 youngsters now living on Majorcan shores; followed by India and Romania with three adoptions.

Rotger has voiced his “total support” for a recent Socialist Parliamentary initiative to put forward a motion for the Balearic government to pay fifty percent of the costs that a family has to pay in administration and tax fees to adopt a child. “From the point of view of the Association, we are in favour of whatever measure can be introduced to lessen the expenses entailed in the adoption process; if it becomes free, so much the better”, declared Rotger.

Currently, a couple wanting to adopt internationally can expect to run up an initial bill of between 12'000 and 24'000 euros.
The average wating time for international adoption is between two and three years, while in the case of national applications, the minimum waiting time is three years. There are, however, children who wait up to eight years before they are adopted due to greater difficulties with finding a family. Reason for delay can range from physical or psychological problems, to candidates having brothers and sisters from whom they cannot be separated by law.

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