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By Humphrey Carter
SIX people were seriously injured in spate of accidents across Majorca yesterday while one lucky driver whose car skidded of a bridge, walked away unhurt.

The first serious accident happened in the early hours in Coll den Rebassa and left three people in hospital. The car in which they were travelling first clipped another vehicle and then crashed into the base of a crane. Police said yesterday they are testing the drivers blood for alcohol.

Most of the accidents did not happen until lunch time when drivers took to the wet roads to go home. Just before 2pm and woman was injured after her vehicle was involved in a collision with a lorry on the road between Son Carrió and Sant Llorenc.

Just moments later two vehicles collided along the Palma to Manacor road near Montuiri.
Two people were seriously injured and rushed to Son Dureta hospital in Palma. Later yesterday afternoon, a female driver walked away and called the police after she skidded off a bridge in Capdella, Calvia.

The driver was travelling alone and despite the substantial drop, managed to get out of the car and contact the emergency services.
061 emergency service spokesperson said yesterday evening that they responded to at least dozen accidents yesterday. Traffic police said that the main cause was the wet roads and called on drivers to proceed with care this week with conditions on the road expected to deteriorate slightly, especially first thing as temperatures drop.

The rest of the week is going to be a wet one and strong winds are forecast towards the weekend making driving conditions worse.

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