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Beware of the Christmas phone scams!

TELEPHONE conmen are back at work and, in the run up to Christmas, are again targeting foreign residents in Majorca.
Despite a series of arrests having been made since the summer when the telephone scams first caught the attention of the police after the consumer rights office was flooded with complaints, the 806 and 809 telephone number cons appear to be continuing and this week, with the festive season upon us, have been stepped up.

The conmen have reverted to the original scam, that of them having a parcel for the householder they call.
A contact number is left, either 806 or 809, and some people have spent between 30 minutes and two hours calling these numbers, trying to track down their package only to be kept hanging on the line at peak rates.

Now, obviously, at this time of year, many people, in particular foreign residents, will be expecting packages.
However, if the caller is neither from the post office nor a recognised delivery company and leaves an 806 or 809 number, then ignore them.
In most cases, the post office notifies people of a package awaiting collection by post and delivery companies do just that, deliver.
Over the past six months other phone scams have included bogus prizes being won with a 806 and 809 being left should the winner wish claim his or her prize. On the internet, “digital” conmen are sending out messages confirming bogus purchase orders have received and that the corresponding amount has been deducted from the internet users credit card. Obviously, this proved successful at first as people were concerned about who had gained access to their card and what had been bought.

So, beware over Christmas.

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