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Wine house celebrations

ESTABLISHED wine producers, Jaume Mesquida of Porreres are preparing to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation. During 2005, the company which has been given a new successful lease of life under the managing directorship of Barbara Mesquida, is planning a series of events to mark the occasion.

One recently introduced feature has been the celebration of a season of “Culture, Land and Wine” which has highlighted the profile of wine growing and its link with Majorcan history and culture. The season, which has included an introduction to wine-tasting, will draw to a close next week with a final two lectures and conferences.

The final chapter

THIS is going to be a decisive week for the artificial pearl company, Majorica. Yesterday witnessed the end of a period of grace granted by the Balearic government to the company for finding an extra four million euros of capital, stipulated in the agreement signed last July by the regional government; Manacor Town Council; and Works Committees, Unions and Action groups of Majorica.

The multinational Asiatic organisation, Saga, still has not come up with the money necessary to refloat the company and rescue it from its current economic crisis.

Uncertainty and demotivation are once again the sentiments pervading the atmosphere throughout the artificial pearl industry. The company has still not reduced its workforce by 176, which was also agreed under the July protocol. Without further capital investment, November salaries remain in doubt.

Volunteer clean-up

SOME 40 volunteers from Inca, Soller, Pollensa Port, Binissalem, Campos and Palma met up at the Tossals Verds country estate in Escorca on Sunday. The lands is owned by the Council of Majorca.

The group headed for es Pou de sa Coma where they began to work on cleaning up the terrain. After putting on protective gloves, the volunteers scooped up dozens of metres of scrap wire fencing and covered with stones water piping which supplies the stone refuge.

Every month “Volunteers of Majorca” organise two excursions. The first consists of a clean-up exercise whereby the group travels to a prearranged location to weed out rubbish and unwanted material; the second provides an opportunity for members to visit different parts of the Island for pleasure.

Facelift funding

THE Council of Majorca is to invest more than 2 million euros in improving buildings in Arta. Important allocations are 392'000 euros allocated to the reform of the Les Escoles property and 300'000 euros for the construction of an illuminated roundabout in front of Ses Païsses. The leader of the Council, Maria Antonia Munar, presented the investment package yesterday and explained that funding will come from a wide cross-section of government departments. The ministry for the President's Office is to set aside 98'259 euros to restore the Guardia Civil building and 30'000 for the Horse riding centre; the Local Cooperation department is to invest 122'300 in asphalting roads in the town area of Arta; the departments of Environment and Nature will take responsibility for the restoration and reinforcement of the Sant Salvador wall, as well as investment in the Llevant nature park and Mondragón workshops which teach dry-stone walling and forestry skills.

Speed control

THE United Left Party in Sencelles met up with residents in Biniali at the weekend. The purpose was to urge local mayor Antoni Ferrer of the Partido Popular to take urgent steps to control vehicles which speed dangerously through the village . The group also wants restrictions to be put on heavy lorries passing through the vicinity. As a community effort, young and old alike painted posters showing traffic signals.

Hotel conversion

THE regional ministry for Public Works is to build 15 subsidised homes on the site of the old Hotel Carotti in Pollensa, announced head of the department, Mabel Cabrer yesterday.

The minister pointed out that the old hotel establishment was acquired by the Town Council in 2000 with the aim of setting it aside for civic and educational purposes. In March this year, it was ceded to the Balearic Housing Institute (Ibavi).

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