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Staff Reporter
ABOUT 100 tractors and 50 other vehicles took part in the farmers' protest just outside Inca yesterday, causing tailbacks on the Palma-Alcudia road.
The farmers want the central government to reduce the price of diesel for agriculture.
The tractors gathered outside the soccer ground of the Inca team Constancia at around noon, and then drove onto the Palma-Alcudia road, accompanied by an escort of Guardia Civil officers.

The tractors drove between the roundabout at the junction with the Llubi road and the roundabout where the motorway ends, taking just over an hour to cover two kilometres.

A farmers' spokesman said that they wanted the government to keep its promises and reduce taxes and IVA on diesel.
He said that when the socialists were in opposition, they supported the farmers, now that they are in power, they should take action.
He went on to say that the proposals which the ministry of agriculture has made so far “are provisional and insufficient.” He pointed out that in France, the taxes on diesel have already been lowered.

One irate farmer said that in order to pay for one litre of diesel, he had to produce four kilos of corn, but a few years ago, only one kilo was needed.

After the protest, the tractors returned to the starting point, where a manifesto was read and a barbecue was organised.

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