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FIFA to investigate racist chanting in Spain

FIFA will investigate the racial abuse of England's black players during Wednesday's friendly against Spain in Madrid after British ministers condemned the “disgraceful” scenes and called for action. Monkey noises were heard when Ashley Cole and Shaun Wright-Phillips touched the ball during England's 1-0 defeat and chants of “If you are not f¿¿king black, jump up and down” rang out from the 55'000 crowd at Real Madrid's Bernabeu stadium. The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) said it condemned the abuse before world soccer's governing body issued a statement saying it would demand answers from the federation over Wednesday's chanting and similar scenes in Tuesday's under-21 match between the two countries. “FIFA will be investigating the circumstances of the two friendly matches between Spain and England as they come under FIFA's ambit,” the statement said. “It will demand explanations from the Spanish football association.”

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