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Hotel group leader says “all-inclusive” controls are a mistake

THE president of Hotetur, a leading Balearic tourist organisation warned yesterday that the governing of standards of the “all-inclusive” tourist package, announced by Balearic president, Jaume Matas, “is neither desirable, nor positive”. Gerardo Diaz Ferran, who is also co-president of the Marsans group, maintained that the hotel sector in the Islands “is making a mistake” by welcoming the controls. He affirmed that “any interventionism is not in the interests of business activity” and expressed his surprise that the initiative had come from the government leader. “I am surprised that Matas, who is a truly liberal politician, is thinking of imposing government controls in this way in such a free market as the hotel industry”, he said. Hotetur has 23 hotels in the Islands (18 on Majorca and 5 on Minorca), as well as 9 apartments located in areas where the “all-inclusive” tourist package is offered.

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